Recent Blogs
Health Care
Flu Fact or Fiction?
Estimated read time:Flu season is upon us and there are many rumors circulating about the flu vaccine, including that the vaccine can actually cause this flu. This, and other flu myths, are discussed here.
Health Care
Tropical Storms vs. Hurricanes and How to Best Prepare
Estimated read time:Whether you expect a tropical storm or a hurricane, you’ll want to prepare the same way. Learn more about the differences between the two storms.
Coronavirus Resources
AdventHealth App Makes it Easy to Access Virtual Care
Estimated read time:The AdventHealth App is a centralized app designed to help manage your family's journey to wholeness. See all the amazing things it can to today.
Family and Friends
Helping Kids Snack Smart
Estimated read time:Learn ways to help your kids choose healthy snacks and limit added sugar in their diet.
Exercise and Wellness
Emergency Prep 101: Communication is Key
Estimated read time:Take time before disaster strikes to establish an Emergency Communication Plan for your family to save you future stress and confusion — and could even save your life.
Health Care
Back-to-School Backpack Safety
Estimated read time:Backpacks can be tough on kids' backs. Here's how you can help.
Exercise and Wellness
Is It a Mole or Skin Cancer?
Estimated read time:Get to know your moles.
Hydration 101
Estimated read time:AdventHealth gives tips on the there are varying opinions of how much to hydrate, with what, and how often for sports performance and daily life.
Exercise and Wellness
How to Avoid Common Summer Illnesses
Estimated read time:Don’t get sick this summer. Learn tips for avoiding common illnesses like food poisoning, swimmer’s ear, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.