Recent Blogs
Family and Friends
Fun Ways to Get Your Family More Active
Estimated read time:Kids need regular exercise to maintain physical, mental and even spiritual health. Discover fun ways to get your whole family moving.
Exercise and Wellness
7 Preventive Screenings You Should Never Skip
Estimated read time:Undergoing regular preventive screenings is critical for a woman to achieve and maintain optimal health. Learn more.
Exercise and Wellness
Sports Injuries Men Face — And How to Prevent Them
Estimated read time:For men, it can be easy to throw yourself into a new regimen of sports or exercise activity before you’re ready. Learn how to get in the game without getting injured.
Exercise and Wellness
Safety Tips for Running in the Heat
Estimated read time:When summer temperatures spike, follow these tips from AdventHealth to make sure you stay safe on your run.
Sports and Entertainment
Staying in the Game: How to Prevent Overuse Injury
Estimated read time:Overuse injuries happen when we push our body too hard, too quickly. By going slowly, we get the benefits of exercise while avoiding the risks of injury.
Mental Health
How Playing a Sport Can Improve Your Mental Health
Estimated read time:Playing a sport can improve your physical fitness, boost your mood and ward off stress and depression. Learn more.
Health Care
Advice for Caregivers to Care for Themselves
Estimated read time:As a caregiver, it’s easy to brush aside your own physical, mental and spiritual health needs. Discover a few simple strategies to recharge your body, mind and spirit.