Recent Blogs
Public Health
Make Flu Shots a Part of Your Cancer Care Plan
Estimated read time:The flu vaccine is an important part of your plan for staying healthy during and after cancer. Here’s what you need to know.
Health Care
What Does It Mean If You Have Dense Breasts?
Estimated read time:About half of all women have dense breasts. AdventHealth explains what it means — and how it affects your breast cancer risk.
Mental Health
How Playing a Sport Can Improve Your Mental Health
Estimated read time:Playing a sport can improve your physical fitness, boost your mood and ward off stress and depression. Learn more.
Health Care
Preventing Skin Cancer: How to Protect Your Skin
Estimated read time:Preventing skin cancer is a year-round job. AdventHealth gives tips for protecting your skin.
Health Care
Advice for Caregivers to Care for Themselves
Estimated read time:As a caregiver, it’s easy to brush aside your own physical, mental and spiritual health needs. Discover a few simple strategies to recharge your body, mind and spirit.