Recent Blogs
Coronavirus Resources
Will I Need an Annual COVID-19 Shot?
Estimated read time:Learn about COVID-19 vaccines, virus mutations and the possibility of annual COVID-19 booster shots to keep us healthy.
Family and Friends
How to Respond When a Loved One is Hesitant About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Expert answers to some commonly asked questions and concerns about getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Trending Health Stories
Pregnancy and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Considering starting a family soon? Read more about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy from our experts.
Coronavirus Resources
The Delta Variant: Here’s What We Know
Estimated read time:About one in four coronavirus infections in the U.S. are now the delta variant, according to the CDC.
Mental Health
How Playing a Sport Can Improve Your Mental Health
Estimated read time:Playing a sport can improve your physical fitness, boost your mood and ward off stress and depression. Learn more.
Health Care
Healing From Hernias Faster with Robotic Surgery
Estimated read time:Surgeons can use the robotic system to repair a hernia, allowing for smaller incisions, less pain and a faster recovery.
Health Care
More Adults Now Qualify for Lung Cancer Screening
Estimated read time:The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended the screening guidelines for lung cancer be changed so that anyone between ages 50 and 80 who smoked at least 20 pack-years can qualify.
Public Health
Specialty Acute Care Close to Home in Land O’ Lakes
Estimated read time:AdventHealth Connerton is a specialty acute care hospital for patients who require a continued hospital stay.
Health Care
How to Start the Year With a Positive Mindset
Estimated read time:Feeling burned out by 2020? You’re not alone. Here are 10 tips from leading experts to help you stay positive as we look ahead to 2021.