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Health Care
5 Common Questions (and Answers) About Bariatric Surgery
Estimated read time:Find the answers you need to help you make an informed decision about bariatric surgery for weight loss.
Health Care
5 Common Questions (and Answers) About Bariatric Surgery
Estimated read time:Find the answers you need to help you make an informed decision about bariatric surgery for weight loss.
Health Care
What is Cardiac Rehab and How Can it Help?
Estimated read time:Learn about cardiac rehab and how it can help strengthen your heart and improve your health.
Coronavirus Resources
The 5 Vaccines Every Person Over Age 65 Should Consider
Estimated read time:Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Health Care
Heart Disease and Colon Cancer - What's the Connection?
Estimated read time:Metabolic Syndrome - the common link between heart disease and colon cancer risk. Know your risk factors today.
Coronavirus Resources
What to Expect When Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:The most common side effect reported from those who have received a coronavirus vaccine is an injection-site reaction.
Coronavirus Resources
What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Estimated read time:From the most routine shots to the newest COVID-19 vaccines, we’re here with immunization guidance for your family.
Health Care
4 Surprising Things a Blood Test Can Tell You About Your Nutrition
Estimated read time:AdventHealth’s Lab Care locations offer tests for more than a dozen vitamin deficiencies. Here's why that matters to you.
Health Care
Tests and Screenings to Expect When Youre Expecting
Estimated read time:Congratulations, you're pregnant! Now, what happens? What can you expect from your trips to the doctor? At AdventHealth were committed to providing you with all the information and care that you'll...