Recent Blogs
Family and Friends
Helping Kids Snack Smart
Estimated read time:Learn ways to help your kids choose healthy snacks and limit added sugar in their diet.
Family and Friends
Arthritis Comfort: Techniques to Soothe Your Loved One’s Aches
Estimated read time:Arthritis impacts your loved one’s life quality of living. Learn ways to help them soothe the aches and pains associated with arthritis.
Health Care
Back-to-School Backpack Safety
Estimated read time:Backpacks can be tough on kids' backs. Here's how you can help.
Family and Friends
Fun Ways to Get Your Family More Active
Estimated read time:Kids need regular exercise to maintain physical, mental and even spiritual health. Discover fun ways to get your whole family moving.
Health Care
Preventing Skin Cancer: How to Protect Your Skin
Estimated read time:Preventing skin cancer is a year-round job. AdventHealth gives tips for protecting your skin.
Health Care
Advice for Caregivers to Care for Themselves
Estimated read time:As a caregiver, it’s easy to brush aside your own physical, mental and spiritual health needs. Discover a few simple strategies to recharge your body, mind and spirit.
Family and Friends
Emergency Prep 101: Communication is Key
Estimated read time:If a hurricane hit tomorrow, would you know where the nearest shelter is? If a smoke alarm went off in the middle of the night, would your children know how to react? Since these situations can be...