Recent Blogs
Exercise and Wellness
Back to School Backpack Safety
Estimated read time:Researchers continue to examine back pain from all angles. Over the years, the number of studies conducted involving children has grown, specifically those addressing the use of school backpacks...
Coronavirus Resources
The Delta Variant: Here’s What We Know
Estimated read time:About one in four coronavirus infections in the U.S. are now the delta variant, according to the CDC.
3 Reasons to Start Healthy Habits Before Bariatric Surgery
Estimated read time:Taking steps to improve your health before bariatric surgery can impact your overall weight loss and long-term wellness.
Coronavirus Resources
The 5 Vaccines Every Person Over Age 65 Should Consider
Estimated read time:Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Coronavirus Resources
What to Expect When Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:The most common side effect reported from those who have received a coronavirus vaccine is an injection-site reaction.
Coronavirus Resources
What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Estimated read time:From the most routine shots to the newest COVID-19 vaccines, we’re here with immunization guidance for your family.
Coronavirus Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Estimated read time:The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer is safe, effective, and now available for children starting at age 12.
Coronavirus Resources
What Are the Long-Term Health Effects of COVID-19?
Estimated read time:Even young people, those who had a relatively mild case, and individuals with no previous underlying health conditions have reported lasting problems from COVID-19.
Health Care
Easy Access to Physical Therapy with No Physician Referral Required
Estimated read time:Save time and money by going directly to physical therapy without a physician referral.