Recent Blogs
Exercise and Wellness
Hip Strength and Flexibility Exercises for Runners
Estimated read time:As a runner, you likely prioritize health and fitness while wanting to stay at the top of your game. Here are exercises to keep your hips strong and flexible
Coronavirus Resources
Coronavirus Vaccines: EUA to FDA Approval
Estimated read time:With one of the COVID-19 vaccines getting FDA-approved, read about the differences between EUA and FDA approval and what the process is like.
Family and Friends
How to Respond When a Loved One is Hesitant About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Expert answers to some commonly asked questions and concerns about getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Coronavirus Resources
The Delta Variant: Here’s What We Know
Estimated read time:About one in four coronavirus infections in the U.S. are now the delta variant, according to the CDC.
Coronavirus Resources
The 5 Vaccines Every Person Over Age 65 Should Consider
Estimated read time:Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Coronavirus Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Estimated read time:The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer is safe, effective, and now available for children starting at age 12.
Exercise and Wellness
How to Avoid Common Summer Illnesses
Estimated read time:Don’t get sick this summer. Learn tips for avoiding common illnesses like food poisoning, swimmer’s ear, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.