Recent Blogs
Health Care
Are You Using Your Devices Too Much?
Estimated read time:Are you worried that you or your loved ones are spending too much time on your devices? Here are signs to look for and how you can cut back on screen time.
Exercise and Wellness
Hip Strength and Flexibility Exercises for Runners
Estimated read time:As a runner, you likely prioritize health and fitness while wanting to stay at the top of your game. Here are exercises to keep your hips strong and flexible
Health Care
Rest vs. Sleep: Know the Difference for Whole Health
Estimated read time:Rest involves your whole being, not just your body. With complete and regular rest, you will restore your health, enhance your performance and achieve an amazing sense of wellness.
Coronavirus Resources
Will I Need an Annual COVID-19 Shot?
Estimated read time:Learn about COVID-19 vaccines, virus mutations and the possibility of annual COVID-19 booster shots to keep us healthy.
Family and Friends
How to Respond When a Loved One is Hesitant About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Expert answers to some commonly asked questions and concerns about getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Exercise and Wellness
How to Keep Your Bones Healthy
Estimated read time:While bone health is important at every age, it becomes increasingly vital as we grow older. Learn what you can do to fortify your bones for long-term strength and stability.
Exercise and Wellness
Recover Faster with Robotic-Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery
Estimated read time:Joint pain can have a significant impact on your life — from limiting your ability to perform your job duties and putting your livelihood at risk to interfering with your daily routine and favorite...
Health Care
Swap Stress for Healthy Habits
Estimated read time:If you’re like most people, you’re probably juggling busy family life with work schedules and social outings. You may also be dealing with health concerns or other pressures, such as managing finances...
Exercise and Wellness
Back to School Backpack Safety
Estimated read time:Researchers continue to examine back pain from all angles. Over the years, the number of studies conducted involving children has grown, specifically those addressing the use of school backpacks...