Recent Blogs
Health Care
Six Most Common Summer Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Estimated read time:Summer activities also bring more risk of injury. Learn how to prevent six common kinds and how we can care for you if the unexpected happens.
Exercise and Wellness
Emergency Prep 101: Communication is Key
Estimated read time:Take time before disaster strikes to establish an Emergency Communication Plan for your family to save you future stress and confusion — and could even save your life.
Hydration 101
Estimated read time:AdventHealth gives tips on the there are varying opinions of how much to hydrate, with what, and how often for sports performance and daily life.
Exercise and Wellness
Safety Tips for Running in the Heat
Estimated read time:When summer temperatures spike, follow these tips from AdventHealth to make sure you stay safe on your run.
Sports and Entertainment
Staying in the Game: How to Prevent Overuse Injury
Estimated read time:Overuse injuries happen when we push our body too hard, too quickly. By going slowly, we get the benefits of exercise while avoiding the risks of injury.