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Coronavirus Resources
The 5 Vaccines Every Person Over Age 65 Should Consider
Estimated read time:Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Coronavirus Resources
What to Expect When Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:The most common side effect reported from those who have received a coronavirus vaccine is an injection-site reaction.
Coronavirus Resources
What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Estimated read time:From the most routine shots to the newest COVID-19 vaccines, we’re here with immunization guidance for your family.
Coronavirus Resources
The Pandemic’s Effects on Cancer Screenings
Estimated read time:COVID-19 caused many people to miss critical appointments, including for cancer screenings.
Coronavirus Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Estimated read time:The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer is safe, effective, and now available for children starting at age 12.
Coronavirus Resources
What Are the Long-Term Health Effects of COVID-19?
Estimated read time:Even young people, those who had a relatively mild case, and individuals with no previous underlying health conditions have reported lasting problems from COVID-19.
Coronavirus Resources
AdventHealth App Makes it Easy to Access Virtual Care
Estimated read time:The AdventHealth App is a centralized app designed to help manage your family's journey to wholeness. See all the amazing things it can to today.