Recent Blogs
Family and Friends
How to Find the Neurological Care to Best Suit Your Needs
Estimated read time:Neurologists, neurosurgeons and neurointerventional radiologists all care for your health in different ways. Here’s how they differ.
Public Health
Specialty Acute Care Close to Home in Land O’ Lakes
Estimated read time:AdventHealth Connerton is a specialty acute care hospital for patients who require a continued hospital stay.
Public Health
Make Flu Shots a Part of Your Cancer Care Plan
Estimated read time:The flu vaccine is an important part of your plan for staying healthy during and after cancer. Here’s what you need to know.
Health Care
What Does It Mean If You Have Dense Breasts?
Estimated read time:About half of all women have dense breasts. AdventHealth explains what it means — and how it affects your breast cancer risk.
Health Care
10 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer
Estimated read time:Here are 10 ways to keep your kids safe this summer. If you need urgent or emergency care, we have extra precautions in place to protect your family.
Family and Friends
Helping Kids Snack Smart
Estimated read time:Learn ways to help your kids choose healthy snacks and limit added sugar in their diet.
Family and Friends
Arthritis Comfort: Techniques to Soothe Your Loved One’s Aches
Estimated read time:Arthritis impacts your loved one’s life quality of living. Learn ways to help them soothe the aches and pains associated with arthritis.
Health Care
Back-to-School Backpack Safety
Estimated read time:Backpacks can be tough on kids' backs. Here's how you can help.
Family and Friends
Fun Ways to Get Your Family More Active
Estimated read time:Kids need regular exercise to maintain physical, mental and even spiritual health. Discover fun ways to get your whole family moving.