Health Care

Stroke Symptom Awareness: Know How to B.E. F.A.S.T.

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On March 10, 2022, Hailey Baldwin Bieber was rushed to a hospital in Palm Springs after experiencing stroke-like symptoms while having breakfast with her husband. Doctors discovered that she had a blood clot that had traveled to her brain, leading to a transient ischemic attack (TIA), often referred to as a "mini-stroke."

Baldwin Bieber was eventually diagnosed with a patent foramen ovale, a small opening in the heart that didn't close properly after birth. Her doctors believe that was a factor in causing the blood clot to move from her heart to her brain, leading to the stroke.

A stroke is a sudden medical emergency (meaning you need to call 911 right away) that affects someone every 40 seconds in the United States and is one of our country's leading causes of disability. Know what stroke symptoms look like and how you can B.E. F.A.S.T. to save your life or a loved one’s.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke happens when blood flow is blocked to part of your brain (ischemic stroke) or a blood vessel suddenly bursts (hemorrhagic stroke). These events can cut off blood and oxygen supply to your brain and damage brain cells. Long-term physical damage can occur if a stroke is left untreated or care is delayed. Baldwin Bieber’s TIA gave her only temporary symptoms, but it was still critical that she get care right away to determine the underlying cause.

How to B.E. F.A.S.T

Remember the signs and symptoms of a stroke by using the acronym B.E. F.A.S.T., which stands for:

Balance: Does the person have trouble with balance or coordination?

Eyes: Is the person experiencing sudden blurring or loss of vision in one or both eyes?

Face: When the person smiles, does one side of the face droop?

Arms: When the person raises both arms, does one sink back down?

Speech: Is the person's speech slurred? Can they repeat a simple sentence?

Time: If the person has any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Similar to heart attacks, stroke symptoms can vary between men and women. You should specifically look out for these stroke symptoms in women:

  • Agitation or sudden behavioral change
  • Difficulty breathing
  • General weakness
  • Hallucination
  • Hiccups
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain
  • Seizures

Getting a loved one lifesaving medical care for a stroke increases their chances of survival and reduces long-term harm, such as difficulty walking, speaking or eating.

Expert Stroke Care When You Need It Most

Fast stroke intervention means that our physicians and ER experts can give your loved ones medicine and treatment that helps restore blood flow to their brain and stops further damage.

After you get ER care for a stroke, our network of neurology and neurosurgical experts can help you or a loved one heal from a stroke. Our team is dedicated to evidence-based, whole-person care that meets your needs and boosts your body, mind and spirit.

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