Health Care

Spring Clean Your System

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Are your vaccination schedules and wellness checks up to date? In today’s busy world, it can be tempting to put off important preventive care under “later.” But with spring just around the corner — and big plans to sweep, scrub and declutter your home — it’s a great time to get a fresh start with your health too.

While you’re spring cleaning at home, give your health the attention it deserves, too. We’re here with wellness reminders for vaccines, allergy care and more.

Regular Checks and Checkups to Keep the Germs Away

From flu vaccines and wellness checks to allergy treatments and chronic disease management, a little prevention goes a long way. But if keeping up with current needs and changing recommendations from experts feels overwhelming, we’re here to help. Your AdventHealth care team offers customized and comprehensive care plans and services that include updated vaccination schedules.

Keep Up With Vaccination Schedules

Vaccines provide immunity to a host of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases — and prevent about 4 million deaths every year. When it comes to staying healthy and saving lives, receiving vaccines on schedule makes good sense.

Regularly scheduled clinic visits and vaccinations can protect you, your family and those around you. Read on for general vaccination recommendations by age, for infants, kids and adults from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other experts.

Vaccination Guide for Infants and Toddlers

Most newborns get the hepatitis B vaccine and other recommended vaccinations before they leave the hospital — often in their first few hours of life. Your baby’s undeveloped immune system gets extra support from day one.

A few vaccinations are done in one dose. Others need additional doses scheduled for specific times throughout your child’s growing years. Your child will get other vaccines before starting school to protect themselves and others from contagious germs.

Learn more about vaccine recommendations for infants and toddlers, ranging from Hep B, Hib and DTaP to chicken pox and others for babies at two months of age at intervals up to 23 months.

Vaccination Guide for School-Age Children

Back-to-school time can go by in a blur for busy families and pediatric offices. Try to schedule a visit for school or sports vaccination updates well in advance of the weeks before school starts.

Learn more about recommended school-age vaccinations starting at age 4 and up to 12 years of age. Ask your child’s care team about the latest CDC recommendations for diseases such as COVID-19 or other risks.

Vaccinations for Adolescents

Today’s teens have a lot on their plates. While you’re reminding them to study, eat their vegetables or look up from their smart phones, make sure they’re also current on their vaccinations.

College-bound students should be current with meningitis, HPV and other timely recommended vaccines. Put this on your list of things to do before sending off kids to college. Learn more about recommended vaccinations for adolescents.

Vaccinations for Adults

Vaccination recommendations vary by age, health condition and other factors. For example, any condition that compromises the immune system may require additional vaccinations or doses.

Additionally, experts encourage most adults to get certain annual vaccinations to protect against specific illnesses, ranging from flu and COVID-19 and its variants to pneumonia and shingles. Learn more about recommended vaccinations for adults.

Stay Ahead of Seasonal Flu Bugs

By the time the next contagious bug comes around your child’s school or your next family event, it might be too late. Follow the latest recommendations from the CDC for annual flu seasons and other needs. Your AdventHealth practitioners can guide you toward appropriate age, season and health-specific vaccines.

Manage Allergy Seasons and Chronic Conditions

Achoo! It’s that time of year again. Spring and other sunny seasons can bring allergic coughs, wheezes and sneezes along with seasonal flowers and weeds. Symptoms can flare up as indoor and outdoor environments change.

Your care team can help you manage chronic conditions like asthma, seasonal allergies or other adult allergy care or pediatric allergy and immunology concerns. They’re here to help, seasonally or anytime you feel a sneeze — or several — coming on.

Schedule an Appointment

Other health guidelines can change, too, as needs change and researchers learn more. The best way to stay well is to keep in touch with your AdventHealth care team. Request an appointment so you can get back to a healthier life.

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