Debunking 4 Myths About Getting ER Care Right Now

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In a medical emergency, your priority should be getting the care you need as quickly as possible. We know that the current environment may add another layer to your concerns about emergencies, though. To help you feel confident about getting care quickly, we’re debunking four myths about getting emergency care.

Be Assured That It’s Safe to Go to an AdventHealth ER

Nothing is more important to us than you, and we’re taking extra measures to ensure you’re safe when you get ER care. We’re employing new safety measures like:

  • Caring for COVID-19 patients in separate areas
  • Social distancing measures in waiting rooms
  • Temperature testing at all entrances
  • Universal masking policy for team members and patients
  • Visitor restrictions

Myth: If I go to the ER, I will get COVID-19.

Fact: Our ERs have protocols in place to protect patients from COVID-19.

The CDC has issued specific recommendations to prevent the spread of coronavirus in health care facilities, including ERs. We are closely following these safety measures to keep you safe from getting COVID-19, and taking extra precautions to keep you safe.

All patients who have symptoms of or confirmed cases of COVID-19 are cared for in separate areas and kept separate from other patients.

Other ways we’re keeping you safe in the ER include:

Temperature Testing at All Entrances
Before anyone can enter our facilities, they will have their temperature checked to ensure they do not have a fever (a common symptom of COVID-19).

Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment
AdventHealth facilities have enough personal protective equipment for every team member, every day, to care for you safely.

Extra Cleaning and Sanitizing All Facilities
The entire facility — equipment, high-touched surfaces, the lobby, patient rooms and waiting areas — is being frequently cleaned and sanitized.

Social Distancing Guides in Waiting Rooms
In waiting areas, you may notice stickers on the floor reading “Here’s Your Spot,” for where to stand, and covers on some seats to ensure people are a safe distance apart when standing or sitting.

Proper Hand-Washing Requirements
Our team members and health care providers are required to wash their hands often, keeping themselves and you safe.

Myth: I should avoid the ER at all costs.

Fact: If you’re having a medical emergency, the ER is the best place to get treatment in a timely manner.

When you or a loved one is having a medical emergency, timely treatment matters to potentially save a life. The ER is where you should go to get emergent care for critical or life-threatening medical problems — even during a pandemic. It’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and all AdventHealth ERs have taken extra safety measures to address your emergency and keep you safe from getting sick.

Call 911 or go directly to the ER if you or a loved one has any of these medical emergencies:

  • Animal bite
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Major head injury
  • Poisoning
  • Serious allergic reaction
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Severe injury like a broken bone, burns or a large wound
  • Stroke or heart attack
  • Vomiting or coughing up blood

You should also seek emergency care if you think you or a loved one is experiencing life-threatening COVID-19 symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these symptoms include:

  • Bluish lips or face
  • Confusion or trouble waking up
  • Ongoing pain or pressure in your chest
  • Trouble breathing

Myth: If I go to the ER, they will be too overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients to treat me.

Fact: Our experts have the capacity to assess and triage all emergencies and provide timely care.

Our ER teams are making sure everyone who comes to the ER receives the care they need. You can trust that a skilled emergency medical team will be ready and available to help you.

Know that our health care providers are also well equipped with ample personal protective equipment (PPE), like masks and gloves. And we are triaging and treating patients suspected of COVID-19 separately from other patients. To help them better care for you, make sure you have these items when you arrive:

  • Mask or cloth face covering
  • List of any allergies you have
  • List of all your medicines
  • Photo ID
  • Your medical history
  • Your insurance card

You may also want to bring with you the emergency contact information of a family member, in case that person can’t come into the ER with you. Hospitals are limiting visitors inside their facilities, per the latest guidance from the CDC. This article can help you further prepare for an unexpected trip to the ER.

Read more here about how we’re protecting you and what steps you can take to protect yourself if you or a loved one needs to come to the ER.

Dedicated to Your Safe ER Visit

Nothing is more important to us than your health and well-being. You can rest assured that we’re here for you in any emergency, and that you can get in-person ER care safely. Learn more about ER care at AdventHealth.

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