Recent Blogs
Health Care
What to Know About Colorectal Cancer
Estimated read time:Learn how to prevent colorectal cancer or catch it early before it can cause serious troubles. AdventHealth experts share information and insights.
Health Care
Take Action to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Estimated read time:Understand the causes, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer in women and how to reduce your risk.
Health Care
Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Can Save Lives
Estimated read time:Learn about the different screening methods for prostate cancer, risk factors and how catching it early can save your life.
Health Care
How Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Could Save Your Life
Estimated read time:A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and devastating to experience. But its easier to have hope when you understand just what you're facing.
Health Care
Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options
Estimated read time:Have you wondered about treatment options for ovarian cancer? What about the risk factors and warning signs? We're here to empower you with answers to those questions.
Health Care
Prostate Cancer Screening: What, When, Why and How?
Estimated read time:Because catching prostate cancer when it’s most treatable is key, we’re here to answer basic questions to help guide you through your screening process.
Health Care
Sun Protection and Skin Cancer: Does the Sun Cause Skin Cancer?
Estimated read time:Skin cancer affects an estimated population of 3.3 million Americans each year. Practicing sun safety is essential to help protect your skin. Read our latest blog to learn more about types of skin...
Health Care
Colorectal Cancers: Marching Toward Colon and Rectal Cancer Awareness
Estimated read time:March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. You can dress in blue to honor patients and their families who are or have been impacted by any of the colorectal cancers and help spread awareness. Read...
Health Care
Stomach Pain: Know When to Get Help
Estimated read time:Stomach pain can range from minor to severe pain. Sometimes, it can be difficult to know when a little rest might do the trick, or you need to seek immediate treatment at a nearby emergency room or...