Recent Blogs
Health Care
What Is a Positron Emission Tomography Scan?
Estimated read time:Learn about PET scans, why they’re done, how to prepare, what to expect and how results are interpreted.
Health Care
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Children
Estimated read time:Learn about noise-induced hearing loss, what causes it and how to prevent it.
Health Care
The Sunshine Vitamin: Vitamin D Deficiency
Estimated read time:If you’re looking for more information on the causes, symptoms and treatments for vitamin D deficiency, you’ve come to the right place.
Health Care
8 Medical Conditions That Affect Men More Than Women
Estimated read time:Learn about eight medical conditions that impact men at higher rates, and sometimes more seriously, than women.
Health Care
How Running Improves Your Health
Estimated read time:Find inspiration and motivation for your next run while learning the different ways running can benefit your health.
Public Health
Physical and Chemical Sunscreen: Choosing Skin Protection
Estimated read time:Learn about the different types of sunscreens and how they can help protect your skin.
Health Care
10 Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s Disease Patients
Estimated read time:Read about 10 stimulating and meaningful activities you can do with your loved one if they have an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
Sports and Entertainment
Pick Your Pace: Walk and Run Your Way to Whole Health
Estimated read time:Learn about the health benefits of walking and running for exercise, along with key differences and similarities so you can pick the right pace for you.
Sports and Entertainment
Handle Pressure Like a Pro With Tips From the Orlando Magic
Estimated read time:Learn how to perform well under pressure with pro tips used by the Orlando Magic.