Recent Blogs
Sports and Entertainment
Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs to Save a Life
Estimated read time:Cardiac arrest and heart attacks are commonly confused heart-related conditions. Learn the differences, symptoms and risk factors of both.
Exercise and Wellness
The 5 Best Recovery Foods After a Run
Estimated read time:Whether you enjoy running as a hobby or you’re training for a marathon, what you eat after your run is just as important as the run itself. Here are the five best recovery foods to enjoy after a run.
Health Care
Massage Therapy for Pain Management
Estimated read time:If you suffer from joint and muscle pain, massage can be a powerful tool to improve your well-being, and it can also complement other therapies for pain management. AdventHealth Sports Med and Rehab...
Health Care
3 Tips to Avoid Shoulder Injuries
Estimated read time:The shoulder is the body’s most injured joint. Find out how you can prevent and recover from shoulder injuries.
Coronavirus Resources
What to Expect When Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:The most common side effect reported from those who have received a coronavirus vaccine is an injection-site reaction.
Health Care
Easy Access to Physical Therapy with No Physician Referral Required
Estimated read time:Save time and money by going directly to physical therapy without a physician referral.
Exercise and Wellness
Should You Be Running Every Day?
Estimated read time:When you debate running every day, make sure to account for your training and injury history and your goals. Read how to find a balance.