Recent Blogs
Exercise and Wellness
Hip Strength and Flexibility Exercises for Runners
Estimated read time:As a runner, you likely prioritize health and fitness while wanting to stay at the top of your game. Here are exercises to keep your hips strong and flexible
Health Care
Easy Access to Physical Therapy with No Physician Referral Required
Estimated read time:Save time and money by going directly to physical therapy without a physician referral.
Health Care
5 Ways to Get Motivated to Run
Estimated read time:Finding motivation is challenging, at times. Here’s the difference between motivation and discipline and how to get motivated more often.
Health Care
5 Ways to Get Motivated to Run
Estimated read time:Finding motivation is challenging, at times. Here’s the difference between motivation and discipline and how to get motivated more often.
Exercise and Wellness
Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer Can Save Lives
Estimated read time:In light of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we’re recognizing the risk factors and preventive measures that can reduce your risk.
Exercise and Wellness
Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer Can Save Lives
Estimated read time:In light of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we’re recognizing the risk factors and preventive measures that can reduce your risk.
Exercise and Wellness
Should You Be Running Every Day?
Estimated read time:When you debate running every day, make sure to account for your training and injury history and your goals. Read how to find a balance.
Exercise and Wellness
Don’t Put Your Health on Hold: See Your Primary Care Provider Today
Estimated read time:There are many reasons to have a PCP by your side, such as preventing life-limiting conditions and caring for the whole person. Learn about the importance of having a PCP.
Exercise and Wellness
Is It a Mole or Skin Cancer?
Estimated read time:Get to know your moles.