Recent Blogs
Public Health
Do Microplastics Increase the Risk of Cancer and Other Diseases?
Estimated read time:Learn about microplastics and why scientists are concerned about their health risks.
Sports and Entertainment
Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs to Save a Life
Estimated read time:Cardiac arrest and heart attacks are commonly confused heart-related conditions. Learn the differences, symptoms and risk factors of both.
Health Care
Easy Tips to Stay Hydrated in the Warmer Months
Estimated read time:As you and your family enjoy summer fun outdoors, keep these tips in mind to stay hydrated in the heat.
Health Care
Six Most Common Summer Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Estimated read time:Summer activities also bring more risk of injury. Learn how to prevent six common kinds and how we can care for you if the unexpected happens.
Exercise and Wellness
5 Simple Health Goals to Help You Feel Whole This Year
Estimated read time:The new year always brings a new opportunity for change, and this year more than possibly ever before, many of us feel there’s some room for improvement in our lives.
Here are some simple and effective...
Health Care
Get Moving: 10 Extra Minutes of Exercise Saves Lives
Estimated read time:Did you know that an extra 10 minutes of movement per day can help you live longer? So, skip the elevator, walk up the stairs and see more ways to get moving in our blog.
Health Care
Running Outside vs. On a Treadmill: Is One Better?
Estimated read time:Find out if it’s better to run on a treadmill or outdoors, plus the health benefits of running in any form.
Health Care
The Sunshine Vitamin: Vitamin D Deficiency
Estimated read time:If you’re looking for more information on the causes, symptoms and treatments for vitamin D deficiency, you’ve come to the right place.
Health Care
How Running Improves Your Health
Estimated read time:Find inspiration and motivation for your next run while learning the different ways running can benefit your health.