Recent Blogs
Public Health
Do Microplastics Increase the Risk of Cancer and Other Diseases?
Estimated read time:Learn about microplastics and why scientists are concerned about their health risks.
Health Care
How “Springing Forward” Affects Your Mental Health
Estimated read time:Each spring, many regions will “spring forward” to start daylight saving time. We’re here to explain how this adjustment affects our health and offer tips to ease the transition.
Sports and Entertainment
Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs to Save a Life
Estimated read time:Cardiac arrest and heart attacks are commonly confused heart-related conditions. Learn the differences, symptoms and risk factors of both.
Health Care
Why You Should Play Sports as You Get Older
Estimated read time:As you get older, you can play many different sports to strengthen your physical and mental health and help you form a community.
Health Care
The Colonoscopy: What You’ve Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask
Estimated read time:Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide on what to expect before, during and after a colonoscopy.
Health Care
Health Screenings to Schedule for the New Year
Estimated read time:Discover health screenings you should consider scheduling for the new year.
Health Care
What is Cardiac Tamponade?
Estimated read time:Learn about types of cardiac tamponade, along with their causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
Mental Health
Mental Health Emergencies: When to Go to the ER
Estimated read time:If you face a mental health crisis, get help right away. We’re here to let you know that not only is it OK to go to the ER, but it may be your best option in a mental health emergency. Read more in...
Health Care
Met Your Deductible? Check Off These Procedures Before the End of the Year
Estimated read time:Discover the four types of procedures to get before the year’s end if you’ve met your deductible.