Recent Blogs
Exercise and Wellness
Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer Can Save Lives
Estimated read time:In light of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we’re recognizing the risk factors and preventive measures that can reduce your risk.
Exercise and Wellness
Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer Can Save Lives
Estimated read time:In light of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we’re recognizing the risk factors and preventive measures that can reduce your risk.
Exercise and Wellness
Should You Be Running Every Day?
Estimated read time:When you debate running every day, make sure to account for your training and injury history and your goals. Read how to find a balance.
Health Care
5 Tips to Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game
Estimated read time:At AdventHealth, we’re here to help you live more comfortably — now and for years to come.
Public Health
Make Flu Shots a Part of Your Cancer Care Plan
Estimated read time:The flu vaccine is an important part of your plan for staying healthy during and after cancer. Here’s what you need to know.
Health Care
Sick or Injured? Here's Where to Go
Estimated read time:When an unexpected medical condition crops up, it's easy to panic. Although you never want to think about the worst that can happen, it's always a good idea to know where to go if something happens to...
Health Care
9 Reasons To Do a Video Visit if You're Sick
Estimated read time:With worsening symptoms that don’t seem life-threatening, the best thing to do is call your primary care physician first. With a phone call or virtual visit, your doctor can advise you on what to do...
Health Care
Top 3 Flu Prevention Tips
Estimated read time:Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses, like flu, this fall and winter is more important than ever.
Health Care
Flu Fact or Fiction?
Estimated read time:Flu season is upon us and there are many rumors circulating about the flu vaccine, including that the vaccine can actually cause this flu. This, and other flu myths, are discussed here.